At first, we fold the satin finish blade of our subfossil oak handle folding knife Forge de Laguiole. Then we steer towards east, watching out for the Strasbourg Cathedral pink sandstone spire of the tower with its reddish reflections. .
Let us start with the small town of Herrlisheim and its red roofs. Located nearby, the lake of La Gravière, sometimes lost in the mist. From its alluvial deposits come the pieces of these fossil oaks over 10,000 years old. With these pieces are made the handle of this exceptional folding knife. As remains of genuine subfossil forest buried deep in the Rhineland, these trunks are the prehistoric testimonies left by the numerous floods that happened in the area.
Victor Hugo, in the series of fictitious letters dedicated to the river, wrote: «the river Rhine appears carrying all its brooks with outstretched arms and taking the shape of an oak» That’s saying how much the fates of this wood and the river are linked (Victor Hugo, Le Rhin, letters a friend – Editions François Bourin
Then let us go down and cross the half-plain and half-wood little Ried that keeps the traces of meanders and ramblings of the great river. Then let us join the forest of the Robertsau in the suburb of Strasbourg and admire the castle of Pourtalès which welcomed the political-artistic elite of the Second Empire, from Napoleon III to Metternich and Franz Liszt and later the literary and scientific celebrities of the twenties, from Anna de Noailles to François Mauriac and Louis de Broglie.
At last at the end, let us discover the crocodile of the famous restaurant number 10 rue de l’Outre (the restaurant is said, to be founded in 1840 by a certain Captain Ackermann).
Fans of home-made dishes will enjoy the recipe of the Lewerknepfle, these quenelles of livers to taste with a salad and a glass of Alsatian wine Pinot noir.
To cook the recipe, you need: 300 g of veal liver, 100 g of fresh bacon, 2 eggs, 2 large tablespoons of flour, 2 large tablespoons of soft wheat semolina, 2 onions, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 clove of garlic, Grated nutmeg. Salt and pepper.
Chop the liver, bacon, garlic, onions, and parsley. Whisk the eggs. Mix, season with salt and pepper and add the grated nutmeg. Boil a pot of water and then lower the heat. Shape the quenelle with 1/2 tablespoon from the preparation and poach the quenelle for a few minutes. Remove gently and skim. Melt the butter in a frying pan, place the Lewerknöepfle, let them brown for 10 to 15 minutes. Tip: Do not hesitate to flour lightly the quenelle before having it brown.
Variation: brown each quenelle before poaching it.
(Photos: PXHere)
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