At the Forge de Laguiole®, each knife is carved, assembled and hand shaped by a single Master-Knifesmiths.

Each knife is made by the same Master-Knifesmith.

We first prepare the parts received (removal of burrs, adjustment of parts, sculpture…). Then the Master-Knifesmiths chisels the bee, guilloche the spring. All these parts are assembled to form the folding knife. Finally, the cutler makes the final shaping with abrasive belts of different grain sizes. Everything is done by eye and hand and the Master-Knifesmith know-how, which makes each knife unique.

The Guillochage, a goldsmith’s skill, is the decoration composed of different line patterns, elaborated on the spine of the spring.

The end part of the spring is heated and forged under pressure to obtain a «fly», a term used by the Master-Knifesmiths. This is the base from which the chiseled bee is created. A fly becomes a bee.

The bee, one of the symbols of an Original Forge de Laguiole® knife, is carved with a file and an engraver. The legend goes that the Napoleonic imperial symbol was attributed to the citizens of Laguiole by Emperor Napoléon himself as a tribute to their courage shown in the services to the emperor.

More details about the polishing

Visit the Forge de Laguiole factory


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